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DUGi: Llistar Títols | dc.subject:"Aigua" | 350 - 375

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S'han trobat 1108 ítems

Llistant ítems des de 350 a 375:

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doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2018 Distribució espacial de partícules fines bioreactives durant un moment de cabal elevat en un riu receptor d’aigua procedent d’una estació depuradora d’aigües residuals Rebollo Pallejà, Ariadna
out url icon Recercat Diversity of Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group archaea in freshwater karstic lakes and their segregation between planktonic and sediment habitats Fillol, Mireia ; Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre ; Gich Batlle, Frederic ; Borrego i Moré, Carles
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2015 Diversity of Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group archaea in freshwater karstic lakes and their segregation between planktonic and sediment habitats Fillol Homs, Mireia ; Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre ; Gich Batlle, Frederic ; Borrego i Moré, Carles
out url icon Recercat Does it make economic sense to restore rivers for their ecosystem services? Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç ; Díez, José Ramón ; Flores, Lorea ; Meleason, Mark ; Elosegi, Arturo
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Does it make economic sense to restore rivers for their ecosystem services? Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç ; Díez, José Ramón ; Flores, Lorea ; Meleason, Mark ; Elosegi, Arturo
out url icon Recercat Do machine learning methods used in data mining enhance the potential of decision support systems? A review for the urban water sector Hadjimichael, Antonia ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Do machine learning methods used in data mining enhance the potential of decision support systems? A review for the urban water sector Hadjimichael, Antonia ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Do machine learning methods used in data mining enhance the potential of decision support systems? A review for the urban water sector
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Do machine learning methods used in data mining enhance the potential of decision support systems? A review for the urban water sector Hadjimichael, Antonia ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 desembre 2016 Do machine learning methods used in data mining enhance the potential of decision support systems? A review for the urban water sector Hadjimichael, Antonia ; Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Los domos graníticos de la Cuenca del Ridaura (Girona) Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 1996 Los domos graníticos de la Cuenca del Ridaura (Girona) Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
doc icon TDX 3 febrer 2006 A dynamic knowledge-based decision support system to handle solids separation problems in activated sludge systems: development and validation Martínez i Puentes, Montse
out url icon Recercat A dynamic knowledge-based decision support system to handle solids separation problems in activated sludge systems: development and validation Martínez i Puentes, Montserrat
doc icon DUGiDocs 3 febrer 2006 A dynamic knowledge-based decision support system to handle solids separation problems in activated sludge systems: development and validation Martínez i Puentes, Montserrat
doc icon DUGiDocs abril 2024 Ecocontes augmentats: clima, aigua, dones Cussó, Roser
doc icon DUGiDocs abril 2024 Ecocuentos aumentados: Clima, agua, mujeres Cussó, Roser
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 novembre 2009 Ecological classification of a set of Mediterranean reservoirs applying the EU Water Framework Directive: A reasonable compromise between science and management Navarro, Enrique ; Caputo, L. ; Marcé Romero, Rafael ; Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Armengol Bachero, Joan
out url icon Recercat Ecological classification of a set of Mediterranean reservoirs applying the EU Water Framework Directive: A reasonable compromise between science and management Navarro, Enrique ; Caputo, L. ; Marcé Romero, Rafael ; Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Armengol Bachero, Joan
out url icon Recercat Ecological classification of a set of Mediterranean reservoirs applying the EU Water Framework Directive: A reasonable compromise between science and management Navarro, Enrique ; Caputo, L. ; Marcé Romero, Rafael ; Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Armengol Bachero, Joan
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Ecological classification of a set of Mediterranean reservoirs applying the EU Water Framework Directive: A reasonable compromise between science and management
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Ecological classification of a set of Mediterranean reservoirs applying the EU Water Framework Directive: A reasonable compromise between science and management Navarro, Enrique ; Caputo, L. ; Marcé Romero, Rafael ; Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Armengol Bachero, Joan
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 Ecological genetics of freshwater fish: a short review of the genotype–phenotype connection Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; García Marín, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Ecological genetics of freshwater fish: a short review of the genotype–phenotype connection Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; García Marín, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Ecological genetics of freshwater fish: short review of the genotype-phenotype connection Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; García Marín, José Luis
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